Financial services include a wide range of jobs that deal with the accounting and financial information and documents needed for Maisons du Monde operations.
This includes management control, accounting, cash flow and internal controls...
Read on to find out about the job of store accountant!
Alexandra, Store Accountant
How did you discover Maisons du Monde?
Before joining Maisons du Monde, I had a 2-year Management Assistant degree and at first I was hired for a temporary job lasting a few months. I already knew the company as a store customer. After the 3-month assignment, I was offered a permanent contract and I accepted.
As a store accountant, I interface between the store accounting and the head office, we help them solve all their cash discrepancy problems.
What do you like most about your current job?
What I love is the contact with the stores, the feeling of being useful when helping to solve a cash discrepancy problem, or other routine problem. I'm in charge of some forty stores, so I'm regularly in contact with store managers and cashiers. We also have lots of stores outside France, for example in Italy and Spain, and so you have to be able to communicate with them.

My duties:
- Check the receipts of a group of stores
- Find solutions to accounting problems
- Assist the staff
My qualities
- Attention to detail
- Organizational skills
- Good with numbers
How did you discover Maisons du Monde?
Before joining Maisons du Monde, I had a 2-year Management Assistant degree and at first I was hired for a temporary job lasting a few months. I already knew the company as a store customer. After the 3-month assignment, I was offered a permanent contract and I accepted.
As a store accountant, I interface between the store accounting and the head office, we help them solve all their cash discrepancy problems.
What do you like most about your current job?
What I love is the contact with the stores, the feeling of being useful when helping to solve a cash discrepancy problem, or other routine problem. I'm in charge of some forty stores, so I'm regularly in contact with store managers and cashiers. We also have lots of stores outside France, for example in Italy and Spain, and so you have to be able to communicate with them.
What are the qualities needed to be a store accountant?
First I would say you need to be methodical and organized because we have a lot of stores to oversee. You also have to be versatile because of the wide variety of problems encountered.
Can you describe a typical day?
Basically, we're here to help the people in the stores. It could be a pricing error, a means of payment problem... We help them with bank deposits and we check the compliance of consumer credit applications with our partners.
Do you have a story to tell that reflects the spirit and values of Maisons du Monde?
I'm sure you've already heard about the« solidarity leave » offered by Maisons du Monde. The system is very successful and since there are more applications than spots available, people are selected by lottery. A person I know in a store applied, and I saw in an internal email that she had been selected. The funny thing is that she first heard it from me, on the phone: she was jumping around, she was so happy, and I was so happy for her! That's what Maisons du Monde is all about!